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Scrotal Webbing 

Scrotal webbing is a flap of skin between the scrotum and shaft of the penis. Besides being uncomfortable, it can also limit the outward appearance of penis length. This can be addressed with a straightforward modified scrotoplasty procedure to release this skin, improving function and appearance. A penoscrotal web, sometimes referred to as a webbed penis, is a congenital or acquired condition in which the scrotal skin extends onto the ventral penile skin. (1) In some cases, this condition is present from birth, but other causes include complications that stem from circumcision. Such conditions can be embarrassing and cause emotional distress, but thankfully, effective surgical options are available. 

Although there is no “one size fits all” procedure for scrotal webbing, some standard surgical courses of action garner high levels of patient satisfaction. A patient’s circumstances are carefully considered on a case-by-case basis before a treatment plan is formed. At California Adult Circumcision, Board-Certified Urologist, and male genitalia specialist Dr. Mohamed Bidair can address scrotal webbing in a simple procedure to provide relief and restore confidence. To book a personal consultation with him, call our La Mesa offices at (619) 486-5005 or use our convenient online form to get started.

About Scrotal Webbing

The excess skin in scrotal webbing causes the penis to appear aesthetically smaller than its true length. This skin adjoins the shaft of the penis in a higher position than usual, which is particularly noticeable when the penis is erect or when it is lifted to reveal the connecting tissues. Unfortunately, this feature can reduce or completely diminish the penoscrotal angle (the distance between the shaft and the scrotum). Though the exact incidence of the condition is not known, it is shown to coexist with several other conditions, including hypospadias (where the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis), chordee (where the penis bends during an erection), or micropenis. (2) Where scrotal webbing is present in very young children, there are usually a few physical symptoms such as an abnormal stream of urine, local infection, urinary retention, and undirected voiding. (3) However, patients may experience a number of symptoms after adolescence, including:

  • Smaller penile appearance
  • Erectile pain
  • Discomfort during intercourse
  • Difficulty wearing condoms
  • Decreased sexual function

“Buried Penis” Terminology

Some patients may experience multiple factors contributing to smaller penis appearance, not only with scrotal webbing, but also other anatomical abnormalities that affect its aesthetics. A buried penis is a condition where the organ appears concealed under the suprapubic area. Also called the hypogastric region, the suprapubic region is between the genitals and the umbilical region. There have been numerous ways to describe conditions that contribute to this, much of the terminology of which is often interchangeable.(3)

Webbed Penis – Describes scrotal webbing (where the penoscrotal angle is obscured by scrotal skin.), and penis length is inhibited.

Buried Penis – Occurs when the patient has excess suprapubic fat obscuring the penis.

Trapped Penis – Where the penile skin is entrapped in prepubic fat due to trauma or overzealous circumcision.

Diminutive Penis – Smaller appearing penis due to epispadias/exstrophy (urethral tube/bladder congenital abnormality), severe hypospadias, etc.

Micropenis – A penis that is two standard deviations below the mean size.

Dr. Bidair conducts a full physical examination of the area to assess the condition(s) present in all cases where scrotal webbing is suspected. He will then design a treatment plan that addresses these issues cosmetically, improving the appearance of penis size.

Benefits of Scrotal Webbing Surgery

For many men, having a penis that does not “fit the norm” can be both disheartening and frustrating. As well as physiologically, in some cases, it can affect us psychologically in more ways than we would like to admit. Such conditions may prevent us from feeling comfortable in the showers at the gym or in the bedroom with our intimate partner. Most men with this condition may not realize that help is just one surgery away. A surgical procedure to address scrotal webbing improves the cosmetic appearance of the penis and can contribute to better functionality. This type of surgery is an intervention that can affect not only the aesthetics of the penis shaft, but can also have positive repercussions for intercourse, and intimate partner satisfaction. Don’t suffer in silence! Book a discreet consultation with urology expert Dr. Bidair to take the first step toward a new aesthetic and peace of mind!

Personal Consultation

The best way to see if you’re a candidate for surgery is to come in to see Dr. Bidair for a personal consultation. It’s also an opportunity for you to let him know how you’ve been dealing with the symptoms of scrotal webbing and how they have been affecting your day-to-day life. After taking a brief medical history, Dr. Bidair will conduct a physical examination of the area. He will pay particular attention to the extent of webbing between the shaft of the penis and the scrotum and see how severely the penoscrotal angle is affected. He will ask you to describe the difficulties you may have faced, such as erectile difficulties, problems with intercourse, and any discomfort you may have experienced. He will then set forth a treatment plan tailored to your specific personal circumstances.

If you can’t make it to his office, Dr. Bidair also provides virtual consultations to fit in with your busy schedule. 


Dr. Bidair will give you an individualized list of preparatory instructions to follow before your surgery. General pre-surgery instructions include:

Procedures to Address Scrotal Webbing

In most cases, modified scrotoplasty surgeries to correct scrotal webbing are outpatient procedures performed under local anesthesia or local anesthesia with additional sedation. The exact procedure Dr. Bidair performs will depend on your unique anatomical features. He will hold the penis almost at a right angle to the abdominal wall, then make a precise longitudinal incision along the underside of the shaft. As necessary, he will then cut skin, subcutaneous tissue, and superficial fascia to create a better aesthetic appearance once the area has healed. Features known as the scrotum thecae, attached to the deep fascia of the penis, are located and may be disattached. The thecae can be separated from the skin and pushed further down toward the scrotum. Scrotal skin is carefully trimmed enough to allow penis extension and improve the appearance of penile length. Once every measure has been taken to improve the treatment area, it will be sutured and bandaged. We may furnish you with a scrotal support garment to aid the healing process. In some cases, a catheter may be required in the weeks after your procedure.

Recovery & Results

Usually, scrotal webbing surgeries take about 1 to 2 and a half hours to complete, but we will ask you to stay for a brief time to monitor you after your procedure. Most patients find they can resume work after a few days but may need to wait up to 20 days before resuming sexual intercourse and sports. In addition, you may experience bruising, swelling, and discomfort in the area. In this time period, please take any pain medications prescribed by Dr. Bidair as directed. Book follow-up appointments with Dr. Bidair and follow your individual treatment plan and his advice regarding catheter and support garment protocols. The average healing time after a surgery to correct scrotal webbing is 2-3 weeks. After this, you will notice the transformation and fully realize your true penis length.

Cost of Scrotal Webbing Surgery in La Mesa, CA

Every procedure offered by Dr. Bidair is individualized and, therefore, will vary in price. If you are interested in finding out more about surgical costs, please use our online form to book a personal consultation or call us at (619) 486-5005. Your modified scrotoplasty to address scrotal webbing may be covered by insurance (in contrast, cosmetic scrotoplasty surgeries are not usually not covered by health insurance). Please speak to your health insurance provider for further details.

To read up on the latest urological services that could make a difference in your life, be sure to read Dr. Bidair’s blog. You can also read some of the reasons why patients trust Dr. Bidair to help them on our testimonials page.


Are webbed penis and scrotal webbing the same thing?

Although every patient’s anatomy is a little different, webbed penis and scrotal webbing are often used interchangeably to describe an abnormal presence of skin that connects the penis shaft with the scrotum. A surgical procedure can be performed to reduce this webbing and improve the appearance of penis length.

Can I get a bigger penis if scrotal webbing is removed?

No external implants are placed during a standard surgical procedure to remove scrotal webbing. Having said this, one of the primary aims of the procedure is to accentuate penis length by revealing what’s “underneath.” In most cases, penis length is greatly improved when the skin and other tissues which impede penis length are removed. Speak to your doctor about the cosmetic potential a scrotal webbing surgery could have in your circumstances.


  1. Chen, Y., Ding, X., Luo, C., Yu, S., Yu, Y., Chen, B., Zhang, Z., & Li, G. (2012). A new plastic surgical technique for adult congenital webbed penis. Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B, 13(9), 757–760. 
  2. Lin, C.-D., Chao, T.-C., Yang, S.-D., & Chang, S.-J. (2020). Webbed penis: Etiology, symptoms, surgical treatments, and outcomes. Urological Science, 31(5), 200. 
  3. Erikci, V. S., Öney, M. D., & Köylüoglu, G. (2017). Surgical Correction of a Penoscrotal Web:A Report of a Case with Literature Review. SOJ Surgery, 4(2).