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When is the Best Time to Schedule My Circumcision?

Adult Circumcision: Why, When, and Where?

Circumcision is a low-risk, routine male health procedure, which removes redundant skin from the penis. Regularly performed in over 40% of babies shortly after birth, circumcision is a common practice in the United States. (1) Studies have confirmed that some men choose adult circumcision to improve hygiene, while others do it for aesthetic purposes, health, or religious reasons. (2) Additionally, after extensive evaluation of the scientific evidence, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released draft policy recommendations affirming male circumcision as an important public health measure. (3) However, despite its general popularity in the U.S., for a variety of individual reasons, some people do not receive this treatment until they are adults. 

Deciding when and where you should get your adult circumcision procedure is a primary objective. For trustworthy urological guidance and comprehensive male healthcare services, you can rely on Alvarado La Mesa Urology Center with this most sensitive procedure. As a Diplomate of the American Board of Urology, and a member of both the American Urological Association and the American Medical Association, Dr. Mo Bidair has numerous accolades that come from his years of experience in the fields of men’s health and wellness. If you wish to discuss your health requirements in a private, discrete setting, look no further! Call our La Mesa offices at (619) 486-5005, or complete a simple inquiry form for further information.

Before and After Photos

Scheduling Your Adult Circumcision

Planning the right date to schedule a circumcision procedure is an important preparation factor. This must be considered and discussed with not only your urologist, but also your significant other. At Alvarado La Mesa, we want you to be as informed as possible. Consequently, we have provided some useful considerations and advice in this blog post. 

Key Factors to Consider

  • Working Around Your Schedule – In the early stages of planning your circumcision, you should ensure you are able to schedule adequate downtime to recover after your surgery date. Additionally, you should make sure your surgery date doesn’t conflict with other events in your work or personal life.
  • Planning Time off Work  – Well in advance, discuss taking time off work with your employer for your recovery. You do not have to be forthcoming with exact details. Simply stating you will be undergoing a major surgery is usually sufficient.
  • Talking to Your Partner – Be sure to discuss your procedure with your partner. Being open and honest about your feelings and having a frank discussion with them will help them to understand your situation and support you afterwards.
  • Adjusting Your Daily Routine – In the weeks that follow after your adult circumcision, you will have certain physical limitations. At your personal consultation with Dr. Bidair, he will inform you of the things you will and will not be able to do after your surgery.
  • Home Preparation – There will be some temporary side-effects after your surgery which will include discomfort and swelling. To prepare fully, you should have items such as ice packs, cold compresses, medication, and comfort aids such as pillows ready at your residence before your surgery takes place.
  • Other Surgeries – If you need other medically necessary surgery, or an elective surgical procedure, be sure that it is spaced well apart from your circumcision date.

Getting the Timing Right

Dr. Bidair recommends planning your circumcision for a quiet period in your schedule, where possible. Some patients choose to do so after event-heavy periods such as the winter holiday season, and at a time where their workload is lower than at peak times of the year.

What is Shared Decision Making?

Shared decision making (SDM) is a collaborative process through which both clinicians and patients work together to reach evidence-informed medical decisions. Its primary goal is to effectively combine patient values and preferences together with professional expertise to determine the best care package for the patient. (4) During the decision-making process before your adult circumcision, speak frankly and openly to Dr. Bidair to achieve surgical outcomes that are both effective and time/schedule-considerate. Contact us at  (619) 486-5005 to book your personal consultation with him.

Why Men Choose Adult Circumcision

Circumcision is proven to aid in the prevention of the following conditions.

Discover more about the procedures Dr. Bidair offers at his La Mesa location by reading his regularly updated blog!

Candidates for Adult Circumcision

Adult circumcision candidates may have medical or aesthetic concerns, or a combination of the two. Our patients usually share similar concerns.

As well as performing circumcision procedures since 1988, Dr. Bidair has gained extensive training that prioritizes patient comfort and security. Moreover, he is committed to conserving the natural appeal of your anatomy. Your urological health and aesthetic goals are our foremost priorities.

Personal Consultation

You will need to arrange an initial consultation with Dr. Bidair before your circumcision procedure. During your private appointment, he will hear your concerns about your foreskin and how it is impacting your life. Your confidentiality and peace of mind are of utmost importance, so please be prepared to be open and up-front about the issues you are encountering. For discreet, knowledgeable advice and preparation, Dr. Bidair offers both in-person consultations and phone consultations. Additionally, some patients may find a Skype or Zoom consultation convenient for their individual situation, particularly if you live further away from our location.

Aesthetic Considerations

Four commonly requested circumcision methods are available from Dr. Bidair. During your personal consultation, you will be able to discuss which option is best for your needs.

High and Tight

The high and tight procedure involves retracting the foreskin so the interior skin is revealed. Dr. Bidair skillfully removes the redundant tissue and sutures the incision. High up the shaft of the penis, there will be a small scar, leaving more inner skin. This process produces a tighter look for both the flaccid and erect penis.

High and Loose

High and loose circumcision procedures also keep the inner skin with a more relaxed aesthetic appearance in the flaccid penis. The remaining foreskin covers the ridge of tissue that separates the glans and the shaft of the penis.

Low and Tight

The scar line is close to the head of the penis in the low and tight option. This gives a tight look when the penis is soft and has minimal redundancy of the penile skin.

Low and Loose

Low and loose circumcision removes more inner skin and also keeps the scar line close to the head of the penis. The remaining tissue has a more relaxed configuration.

Although Dr. Bidair is the expert, he wants you to choose a circumcision style that meets your individual needs. Be sure to speak to him about your aesthetic concerns at your consultation.

Preparation for Adult Circumcision

Before you undergo circumcision surgery, you should ensure you do the following things.

For an extensive list of frequently asked questions relating to circumcision, please visit this page.

Recovery After Your Circumcision Procedure

An adult circumcision procedure can enhance your quality of life and give you a boost in confidence! It is important to remember that any pain and discomfort you experience after your treatment will be outweighed by the positive benefits of the procedure. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen can help limit discomfort, and topical creams such as petroleum jelly can reduce any healing-associated itchiness.

  • The penis may be very sensitive in the first two weeks afterwards.
  • Wear tight underwear in the initial weeks after your treatment.
  • Refrain from sexual activity for up to one month.
  • Keep the penis dry for up to 48 hours after the procedure.
  • Stitches in the area will dissolve 2-3 weeks after your surgery date.
  • Please avoid swimming, saunas, and steam rooms for up to 4 weeks.

You will need an estimated 6 weeks to recover initially from your treatment but healing will still continue for a number of months afterwards. Therefore, it is imperative to follow through with all of Dr. Bidair’s recommendations after your circumcision procedure. 

We ensure that all of our patients are pleased with their adult circumcision results. For many men, this is a transformative change that can improve self-esteem, reduce discomfort, and increase sexual confidence!

Read reviews from Dr. Bidair’s real patients here!


Your individual needs and aesthetic requirements will be taken into consideration for your circumcision procedure. Adult circumcision prices may vary due to the nature of the treatment performed.  Revised circumcision, and whether general anesthesia is used are both important factors. Get in touch with us for further information.


Are there different types of circumcision available?

Yes! Surgeons can employ slight variations in the circumcision technique to suit your desired aesthetic needs. Speak to your doctor about the procedure options open to you.

Can I get a revision circumcision if I’m dissatisfied with my current appearance?

Yes! Revision circumcision procedures are an option for men whose original circumcision surgery garnered unsatisfactory results. Many surgeons offer revision surgeries to help men regain functionality and self-confidence.

What should I do to prepare for an adult circumcision procedure?

It is important to heed all the preparatory advice given to you by your surgeon before your adult circumcision procedure. In the days and weeks beforehand, you will need to plan for and discuss time off work with your employer, and factor in a total of six weeks or more for total healing to occur. Furthermore, keeping an open line of communication and speaking frankly about the procedure with your partner will help them support you after your surgery.


  1. Owings, Ph.D., M., Uddin, M.D., M.P.H., S., & Williams, M.P.H., S. (2019, June 1). Products – Health E Stats – Trends in Circumcision Among Male Newborns Born in U.S. Hospitals: 1979–2010. 
  2. Collier, R. (2011). Late cuts: an international look at adult circumcision. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 184(1), E15–E16. 
  3. Morris, B. J., Krieger, J. N., & Klausner, J. D. (2017). CDC’s Male Circumcision Recommendations Represent a Key Public Health Measure. Global Health: Science and Practice, 5(1), 15–27.